Cubase Patch Scripts Downloads


For external hardwares, I've installed patch scripts on cubase. It's just a basic txt format which I've downloaded online. I just put it in the Patch.

I wrote the Midi Devices part again to import Cubase Patch Scripts directly. What I’m doing is parsing the text and pulling out the Program Names, MSB & LSB and converting the latter two to a bank number ((MSB x 128) + LSB) and so far it’s working really well.

The only anomaly is that S1’s Program field doesn’t accept a “0”, it starts at 1, so I had to increment the program numbers by one just before sending them out to make them match up. Below, if you look in the list of programs, I’ve selected Program 8 (item 9) but I have to set “9” in S1 to get to program 8 on the hardware because S1’s index starts at 1. Anyway, I went through a bunch of the Cubase scripts while visually checking the Program and Bank result with what it should be and so far it looks to be working as expected but (of course) it needs testing, but so far so good. The code is first draft so it probably will be improved, reduced.

Directory Changes: 1. Delete the current Studio One Helper Patch Banks directory and files, no longer used. It will create a new directory named Devices instead, to hold the Cubase script files.

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In that directory you’d just drop in all the script folders like below. So once you copy the Cubase script files to the “ Devices” folder they’ll load and work. The only thing I need to add to the file parsing is to directly ID them to know for sure that files people may place there later are actually Cubase script files.

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There’s an ID in the text I can use for that to not load incompatible files and avoid an error from that. Here’s the Beta 9 download: All the patch script folder are in the zip also.

To Do: Investigate the possibilty of drag and drop from that new window, to drop a program directly into the midi editor to set a bank and program change there.

Cubase Instrument Definitions - How To Like Sonar, Cubase uses instrument definitions, called 'patchnames' for use with your hardware synth. They are standard TXT files and are found in the C: Users yourname AppData Roaming Steinberg Cubase Scripts patchnames folder. Any files you create must go in the Inactive folder to work. C: Program Folders Steinberg Cubase Scripts patchnames seems to be a dummy folder as nothing I put there shows up in Cubase.

You can write your own files or here's a that can convert Sonar.ins files to Cubase formatted.txt files. Tho it may not work for some hardware it worked for me. From there just follow the instructions to set them up in Cubase. My synth has 10 banks of 10 voices each arranged in random order. This utility rearranges them by instrument. If you'd rather have the patchnames in the same order as they are in your synth you'll have to do some cutting and pasting after the file is created. Husker Just finished the process of writing definition files for my hardware (FA-08, Moog Slim, Integra-7 and Nord A1).