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FISIOLOGI dalam kuliah fisiologi textbook sangat dibutuhkan karna tidak mungkin kita bisa tahu penyakit2 pada tubuh kalau fungsi normalnya tidak kita ketahui. Dan textbook yang sering dipakai adalah textbook milik Guyton dan Sherwood 2. PATOFISIOLOGI Dalam studi ini buku saku milik J. Corwin dan buku Harrison. Bahkan kebanyakan mahasiswa kedokteran mengaku buku Harrison ini sangat bermanfaat. ANATOMI Di bagian ini, buku Sobotta dan Netter yang sering dipakai. Menurut pendapat salah seorang kaskuser, Sobotta lebih unggul di bag.

Skeleton, sedangkan Netter di muskula nya. Tapi apalah arti mereka tanpa cadaver. Cadaver adalah sejenis jasad yang sudah di formalin-kan dan berguna sebagai bahan ajar yang paling baik dan dekat kepada kita (sesuai dgn semboyan: mortui vivos docent - yang hidup belajar dari yang mati) Buku kedokteran 4.

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Japanese manufacturer Logitec started a sales campaign of its three portative DVD drives. The drives have been codenamed LDV-PA8U2VBK, LDR-PMF8U2V and LDR-PMF8U3L. All three models boast the availability of correspondence to Windows 8 certificates; this implies that users won't encounter any complications in their attempts to install the drives into the systems based on Windows 8 OS. According to the average price estimates, LDV-PA8U2VBK model will cost approximately $63, LDR-PMF8U2V — $60, and LDR-PMF8U3L — $67. The released models feature a lot of common, as well as, unique characteristics. Thus, LDV-PA8U2VBK model is a DVD-ROM drive supporting USB 2.0 interface. It features 132x146x15 mm dimensions and provides the users with Nero Kwik Media and Kiwi DVD licenses.

To continue, LDR-PMF8U2V model serves DVD RW/DVD-RAM drive means. It also supports USB 2.0 interface and is delivered with Nero 12 Essentials license. This DVD drive is notable for 136x142x19 mm dimensions. Up-to-date disk stations for home utilization usually employ from a single up to four hard drives of 3.5-inch form-factor. They are intended to offer sufficient storage capacity and an unmatched performance during operation. LinkStation Mini disk server from Buffalo manufacturers is a compact solution for all home-based data storage needs.

Currently, the series is represented by four models: in black and white colors and with drives of 500 GB and 1 TB capacity. One should not confuse these models with those released by this manufacturer several years ago, as today's devices have got a completely new hardware platform. Design LinkStation Mini is notable for exceptionally compact dimensions (if considering rival disk stations) which equal to 40x135x82 mm. The casing is made of black glossy plastic and can be adjusted in two positions (vertical and horizontal) due to the availability of rubber feet on the two sides of the device. The frontal panel accommodates a. Next generation displays, mostly bezel-less items, are becoming frequenters in hardware PC stores. Each manufacturer tries to elaborate at least a single such product in order not to fall behind its competitors.