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Po samim optimisticheskim ocenkam ekspertov, neftj v samom blizhaishem budushem budet stoitj okolo 40dollarov za barelj.Dlja rossii eto katastrofa.No ne moe eto delo.Interesno toljko chto pokoinij Turkmenbashi umer tak skoropostizhno posle togo kak hotel cenu za neftj podnjatj,c janvarja, k mirovim cenam.Dlja rosii eto bil bi kirdik.Problemu reshilji,kak priviklji.Nefteprovod po Baltike nebudet postroen ir gaza nebudet stoljko shtobi ego zapolnitj.Dazhe dlja rosijan gaza net,vsjo na eksport,a vedj eksport nuzhno uvelichitj pjatj raz,po kontrakytam!!! Mutual Assistance Treaty of 5 October 1939 and Soviet Military Bases in Latvia. The Soviet Union did not hesitate to establish its hegemony in its 'Sphere of Influence.' Under threats of military intervention, the Baltic states were compelled to sign treaties of 'mutual assistance,' which for all intents and purposes meant that they had become military and political dependents of the USSR. The treaty with Latvia provided for the establishment of Soviet Air Force, Naval and Army bases in Western Latvia and the stationing of up to 25,000 troops, more than the peacetime strength of the Army of Latvia. The threat of force was meant seriously.

When Finland was called upon to sign a similar treaty and refused, the Red Army attacked Finland. The Winter War with Finland lasted until March 1940.

Ja nemnozhko ne praviljno virazilsja, u menjA dostovernaja informacija ot ochevidcev, a imenno ot roditelei. A vot eto zrja, moi dedushka geroi Sovetskovo Sojuza, ne vse zhe latishi sluzhili u nemcov, kovo ne uspeli prizvatj v krasnuju armiju, teh prizvali v korichnevuju. Eto i jestj nasha samaja velikaja beda, dva okupanta poocherjodno proshlisj po 20 letnim juncam, a pobedivshije pitajutsja obvinitj etih juncov v fashizme. A karatelji, tak eto drugoje ih 300 chelovek streljavshih jevrejev, u vas v kazhdom posjolke bilo po pjatku mestnih policajev, tak chto.

-- I nakonec, samoje udiviteljnoje znajete chto? Vi znajete pro pakt, i tem ni menije nastajivajete na versije, chto 3 Nezavisimije Evropeiskije strani, pochti v odin denj reshili dobrovoljno poterjatj svoju nezavisimostj i vstupitj v Stalinskij sojuz! Otkuda takaja tjaga veritj v lozh? A Bloody Soviet Provocation in Latvia 15 June 1940. In the early morning hours of 15 June, Soviet operatives attacked three Latvia border posts in Eastern Latvia, killing three guards, the wife and the son of one guard.

They took 10 border guards and 27 civilians as hostages to the USSR. Soviet Ultimatum of 16 June 1940. Without factual basis, the Soviet ultimatum accused Latvia of breaching the Mutual Assistance Treaty and demanded within six hours time to admit an unlimited number of Soviet troops to Latvia and to form a new government. Knowing that Lithuania had been invaded by the Red Army a day before, that its troops were massed along the eastern border and mindful of the Soviet military bases in Western Latvia, the government acceded to the demands. The Military Occupation of Latvia 17 June 1940. The Red army started the occupation operation in the early morning of 17.

About noon, Soviet tanks entered Riga. The military take-over took place three days after Paris fell to the troops of Nazi Germany and the world's attention was directed to the collapse of France. Pri Putine luchshe? Rebjat, ne po teme vopros. Mnogie goworjat chto mol pri Putine luchshe stalo. Menja, kak zapadnogo obywatelja (a takghe srednego predprinematelja), interesuet pri poezdkach v drugie strany (v tom chisle v Rossiju) preghde wsego odin vopros: kriminaljnaja situacija.

Tak vot moghet mne kto-nibudj otwetit, izmenilasj li ona pri Putine? Po statistikam zapadnym v 2000 godu po usrednennym pokazateljam v Rossii bylo ubito 28.000 chelovek. V USA 13.000, a v Germanii naprimer 900 (devjatsot!) chelowek, pri naselenii 140, 280 i sootwetstwenno 88 millionov chelovek. Znaet li kto-nibudj statistiku za 2006 god? Eto dlja menja i budet pokazatelj, a ne rost dohodov naselenija. Posmotrite, kto v poslednie gody wyezghaet iz Rossii w USA - goworju o programmistach, kotorych lichno znaju - eto Moskvichi, kotorye zarabatywali ot 1.000 do 2.500 dollarov v mesjac. Dohody wysokie, no pochemu oni begut k nam sjuda, esli u vas wse tak super?

Dawno jiwu v Berline, goda 4 nasad pasnakomilsa s odnim programistom is Rossie, jili radom i drugili semjami. Tak wot poluchil Gjena, tak ego swali kontakt na 5 let, a takje rabochiy Visu. Imel sarplatu 4.200 EUR v mesaz + 304 EUR -pomochj gosudarswta na detey, no tak kak on imel status 'swobodnogo sotrudnika' ili po nemezki Selbststaendig, chto podrusamewaet chto on doljen pologatsa tolko na seba i sam platit sa wse,straxowki,podoxodn.nalog i t.d.

Hl 340 usb to serial driver ubuntu. It’s a cheap HL and after doing some Goggling, it looks like I’m not the only one having trouble with this hl-340 usb-serial adapter in Ubuntu. I have entered the following commands: Please enter a valid number. How to setup HL340 or CH340 driver for ARM Quortex LPC1768 on wine using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?