Harvi I Merilin Dajmond


Fit For Life Fit For Life: Some Notes on the Book and Its Roots James J. Kenney, Ph.D., R.D. In 1982, in an article in the National Council Against Health Fraud's newsletter, I attacked some of the fallacies of Harvey Diamond's faddish approach to nutrition. At the time, he was touting 'food combining' in seminars called the 'Diamond Method.' I concluded by stating that from a scientific viewpoint this method was 'pure zirconium crystal.' Little did I suspect that Diamond and his wife, Marilyn, would later produce the fastest-selling diet book in U.S. History: Fit for Life [Warner Books, 1985], which reportedly has 1.8 million copies in print.

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Since my little expose was published, the Diamonds have polished their act enough to become stars of the TV talk show circuit. Perhaps to enhance their brilliance, Harvey obtained a 'doctorate in nutrition science' and Marilyn obtained 'certification in nutrition counseling' from the American College of Health Science (also called the American College of Life Science). This is an unaccredited correspondence school in Austin, Texas, which teaches a naturopathic philosophy called 'Natural Hygiene.' Environmental Nutrition Newsletter calls Fit for Life 'typical of the new wave of books that intertwine scientific detail with pure nonsense.' Other best sellers of this type include Life Extension, by Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw, Dr. Berger's Immune Power Diet, by Stuart Berger, M.D., and and Eat to Win, by Robert Haas.

All of these books have made millions for their authors and their irresponsible publishers, largely as a result of appearances on the Donahue and Merv Griffin shows. Fit for Life's central premise is that nutrition depends more on when and how you eat rather than what or how much you eat. The book has two sections. The first, written in Harvey's 'voice,' covers the principles upon which the book is based.

Argolis smartreaderexe. The second, written in Marilyn's 'voice,' describes their dietary program and provides recipes and sample menus. In Part I, Harvey maintains that Fit for Life is not a diet but 'a way of eating that can be incorporated into your life-style as a way of life, not as a dogmatic regimen.' But he promises that those who are 'sick and tired of hassling with their weight' can learn to 'eat and enjoy it, always feeling satisfied and not deprived, always looking forward to meals, and most important, always maintaining a comfortable body weight.' Moreover, he offers 'permanent results' and claims that he lost 50 pounds within a month of being introduced to Natural Hygiene.

In Part II, Marilyn presents her testimonial: At the age of 31.. I spent much of my time in tears, wondering how I was ever going to feel well enough to get on with my life. No amount of drugs, treatment, or therapy that I had had over the years had done anything to change or improve my situation. In all that time.. No one ever asked me what I was eating! Natural Hygiene, as Harvey was teaching it, supplied me with answers about my health that I had all but given up on finding..

I learned that I was in pain and out of energy because I had been overtaxing my system with the wrong kinds of foods.. When I put into practice the principles Harvey recommended, I lost twenty pounds! In a matter of only six weeks, and for the first time in my adult life, I was proud of and comfortable with the shape of my body. Harvey Diamond says his interest in Natural Hygiene was aroused in 1970 by a man who 'explained in a most concise way why I was fat and why I was having such a struggle losing weight and keeping it off. It all made such sense to me that I was dumbfounded at its obvious simplicity.' After 3 years of study with this man (who wishes to remain anonymous), Harvey determined that the teaching and practice of Natural Hygiene would be his life's work.